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Dashboard card

Suitable EnviromentSaaS
Private Deployment




The open platform provides the ability to customize cards, allowing users to create a completely new type of card in the dashboard. When the currently available card types cannot meet user needs, custom cards can be created to achieve the desired functionality.

Currently, users can customize the following aspects of the card:

  1. The card's name, description, icon, and size
  2. The card's configuration and menu
  3. The content displayed on the card

Currently, custom card types can be added to the following locations:

  1. My Workspace - dashboard

  2. Project - project_component


After the plugin is enabled, when editing a dashboard, users can see the newly added custom card type by clicking "Add widget":

The configuration form for the custom card:

The declared menu items displayed in the custom card's menu:

The display effect of the custom card:


Adding a Module

  1. Execute the command npx op add module to add a module of type ones:dashboard:card:new.
  2. Execute the command npx op add sub-module to add a sub-module under the ones:dashboard:card:new module that was just added.
  3. Manually configure the module in config/plugin.yaml.

The following is an example configuration where a custom card module contains two sub-modules:

  • Component Card: the scene is "render" used to render the content of the custom card, this is required
  • Configuration Dialog: the scene is "setting" used to render the form content of the custom card's configuration dialog, this can be omitted if the component does not support configuration.
app_id: cgtJVhCB
- id: ones-dashboard-card-new-jIfq
title: Custom Card # Card Name
description: Custom Card Description # Card Description
defaultCardName: Default Card Name # Default name when adding the card
icon: custom-card.svg # Card icon
defaultLayout: # Default layout of the card
h: 4 # Height
w: 5 # Width
minH: 3 # Minimum height
minW: 3 # Minimum width
maxH: 6 # Maximum height
maxW: 6 # Maximum width
objectType: # The range of card types that can be used
- project_component # Project Overview
- dashboard # My Workspace
moduleType: ones:dashboard:card:new
- id: ones-dashboard-card-new-C9Hs
title: render
scene: render
entry: >-
- id: ones-dashboard-card-new-kjke
scene: setting
title: setting
entry: >-

Supported configuration items

Configuration ItemDescription
titleThe name of the custom card type
descriptionThe description of the custom card
defaultCardNameThe default name of the custom card
iconThe URL of the custom card icon
defaultLayoutThe default size of the custom card, which must be within the size limits.(Size >= 2)
layoutThe minimum and maximum size limits of the custom card. If not configured, there is no limit.(Size >= 2)
objectTypeThe dashboard types that the custom card can be applied to. Currently supports dashboard (dashboard) and project_component (project overview).

Adding Ability

  1. Run the npx op add ability command to add the custom-card@1.0.0 type of ability.
  2. Manually configure the ability in config/plugin.yaml and associate it with modules.
app_id: cgtJVhCB
- id: ones-dashboard-card-new-jIfq
title: Custom Card # Name of the card
description: Custom Card Description # Description of the card
defaultCardName: Default Card Name # Default name of the card when adding
icon: custom-card.svg # Icon of the card
defaultLayout: # Default layout of the card
h: 4 # Height
w: 5 # Width
minH: 3 # Minimum height
minW: 3 # Minimum width
maxH: 6 # Maximum height
maxW: 6 # Maximum width
objectType: # The range of card types that can be used
- project_component # Project overview
- dashboard # My workspace
moduleType: ones:dashboard:card:new
- id: ones-dashboard-card-new-C9Hs
title: render
scene: render
entry: >-
- id: ones-dashboard-card-new-kjke
scene: setting
title: setting
entry: >-
- id: bh1Fhy76
name: custom-card
version: 1.0.0
abilityType: CustomCard
cardDataFunc: getCardData # Name of the function to retrieve card data
cardModule: ones-dashboard-card-new-jIfq # Must be manually filled in with the module ID of moduleType ones-dashboard-card-new

Writing the processing function

After adding the ability, a /backend/src/custom-card.js file will be generated, which contains a function to get the custom card data, in which you need to write the logic to get the card data.

The example function is as follows:

import { Logger } from '@ones-op/node-logger'
import type { PluginRequest, PluginResponse } from '@ones-op/node-types'

interface CardRequest {
object_type: string
language: string
project_uuid: string
card_custom_config: any

export async function getCardData(request: PluginRequest<CardRequest>): Promise<PluginResponse> {
const cardRequest = request.body
const respData: any = {
text: cardRequest.card_custom_config.text,
return {
body: {
code: 200,
body: respData,

Reference Introduction

object_typeThe type of dashboard the card belongs to, currently supported are dashboard and project_componentstring
languageThe front-end language of this requeststring
project_uuidThe unique identifier for the project, present when the card type is project_componentstring
card_custom_configCard custom configuration, in json formatany


body: {
code: 200, //Response code of this request, non-200 is request error
body: cardData, // Card data that will be returned directly to the front-end

Customize card content

In the submodule where scene is render, pass useDashboardCardInfo to get the card data for rendering the card content.

import { ConfigProvider } from '@ones-design/core'
import { useDashboardCardInfo } from '@ones-op/store'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'

import './index.css'

const Card = () => {
const dashboardCardInfo = useDashboardCardInfo<{ text: string }>()
const { text } = dashboardCardInfo.cardData || {}
return <h2>{text}</h2>

<Card />

Custom card menu

In the submodule where scene is render, the submodule with useCustomMenus to mount the custom menus.

import { ConfigProvider } from '@ones-design/core'
import { dashboardCard } from '@ones-op/bridge'
import { useDashboardCardInfo } from '@ones-op/store'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'

import './index.css'

const { useCustomMenus } = dashboardCard

const Card = () => {
const dashboardCardInfo = useDashboardCardInfo<{ text: string }>()
const { text } = dashboardCardInfo.cardData || {}
const customMenus = React.useMemo(
() => [
label: 'Show the text',
key: 'showText',
onClick: () => {
return <h2>{text}</h2>

<Card />

Custom card configuration pop-ups

In the submodule where scene is setting, pass useDashboardCardConfigInfo to get the card context. Get the card context via useOnSubmitConfig to listen to the submit configuration event and render the card configuration popup.

import { ConfigProvider, Form, Input } from '@ones-design/core'
import { dashboardCard } from '@ones-op/bridge'
import { useDashboardCardConfigInfo } from '@ones-op/store'
import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'

import './index.css'

const { useOnSubmitConfig } = dashboardCard

const Setting = () => {
const { cardConfig } = useDashboardCardConfigInfo<{
text: string
const [form] = Form.useForm<typeof cardConfig>()
const onSubmitConfig = React.useCallback(
async (submit) => {
try {
await form.validateFields()
} catch (e) {
return (
<Form initialValues={cardConfig} form={form}>
required: true,
<Input />

<Setting />


How to implement multi-language for custom cards?

  • Configurable sections to implement multilingual, such as card name, card description, card default name, etc., can be found in Plugin Multilanguage Support for implementation
  • Card display content multilingual, need to be implemented in the plug-in developers themselves, processing function in the input parameters to provide the language of this request.