Advanced Guide
This section is not going to be very structured, but we will cover the following topics:
📄️ Plugin type
📄️ Plugin Policy
📄️ Add slot
Rich slots provide customized pages at will.
📄️ Add ability
A variety of capabilities are available to easily develop your ONES.
📄️ Internationalization
The platform supports internationalization capabilities, and you can easily translate plugin.
📄️ Request
Multiple request schemes, request any data you want.
📄️ Data acquisition
The platform provides a flexible data acquisition mechanism to facilitate the acquisition of context information of ONES in plugin.
📄️ Event communication
Flexible communication mechanism to facilitate communication between plugin and ONES.
📄️ Debugging
📄️ Runtime Environment
Introduction to the runtime environment of the plugin in the ONES system.
📄️ Lifecycle
📄️ Deploy