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ONES API access

Suitable EnviromentSaaS
Private Deployment




The ONES API access ability provides a method for plugins to access the ONES API. ONES API is all the API open to the outside world of ONES , such as viewing the details of an issue, adding issue and other API, which can be accessed to interact with ONES. Each plugin will generate a super-admin in the ONES, and the superuser will have access to all data when accessing ONES API.


Step 1: Installation dependency​

Enter the /backend directory of the plugin project, and execute the following command for dependent installation:

npm i @ones-op/fetch

Step 2: Access the ONES API​

API: OPFetch

When the developer requested the ONES API with a relative path, they will use the super admin by default. When calling the fetchONES method, enter root=true in the input parameter, indicating that the superuser is used to call the API.

Example one: Use super admin to call ONES API

import { OPFetch } from '@ones-op/fetch'

const response = await OPFetch({
path: `/team/${globalThis.onesEnv.teamUUID}/items/view`,
method: 'POST',
body: {
query: {
must: [
{ equal: { item_type: 'project' } },
{ in: { pool: ['project'] } },
{ in: { 'context.type': ['team'] } },
view: ['[default]'],
root: true, //default is true
teamUUID: '',

If we do not want to request as a super admin, we should first set root to false in the code, and then add Ones-User-Id and Ones-Auth-Token to the request header. When the plugin is installed in the instance environment, the user will also bring the user's Ones-User-Id and Ones-Auth-Token when accessing the plugin API by clicking the page.Organization-level plugins need to add the teamUUID param.

Ones-User-Id: User's uuid

Ones-Auth-Token: token for successful login

Example two: Use other role to request the ONES API

import { OPFetch } from '@ones-op/fetch'

export async function getUserme(
request: PluginRequest<Record<string, any>>,
): Promise<PluginResponse> {
let userUUID = ''
let userToken = ''
if (request.headers['Ones-User-Id'] != null) {
userUUID = request.headers['Ones-User-Id']
userToken = request.headers['Ones-Auth-Token']
return OPFetch({
path: `/users/me`,
method: 'GET',
headers: {
'Ones-User-Id': userUUID,
'Ones-Auth-Token': [userToken],
root: false, //default is true
teamUUID: '',


For detailed parameters, please refer to: @ones-op/fetch