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Custom plugin configuration

Suitable EnviromentSaaS
Private Deployment




Through this ability, plugin can customize and add configuration items for plugin under the route Configuration -> plugin management. There are two ways to achieve this:

  1. The Basic info tab

The details page of each plugin contains the value of the configuration item. You can modify the value of the configuration item when the plugin is not enabled. The type of configuration item supports three types: single-line, multi-line text and encrypted text and the required configuration item can't be empty before enabling the plugin.

And the plugin backend can get the data of the plugin custom configuration item by calling API.

  1. New tab

You can add a new tab before the Log tab by adding a slot. You need to render the configuration page and determine how to store and get the configuration data in this slot.

The tab is reachable only when the plugin is enabled.


1. Add in the Basic info tab​

Add custom configuration items to the plugin​

Plugin configuration item field description

keyUnique identificationstringY
typeControl type
Input: single-line
TextArea: multi-line text
Password: encrypted text
requiredIs this requiredbooleanNfalse

Add the required content to the config field under the plugin configuration file plugin.yaml to add a new configuration item cexampleConfigKey for the plugin, with the type of single-line.

- key: exampleConfigKey
label: my example key
type: Input

The plugin backend get the plugin custom configuration item​

Get by calling the SDK method​

Obtain the plugin configuration directly through the Plugin.getPluginConfig() of the @ones-op/node-ability package

import { Plugin } from '@ones-op/node-ability'

export async function configurationPageTest1() {
const teamUUID = 'xxx'
const configs = await Plugin.getPluginConfig(teamUUID)

The first parameter to Plugin.getPluginConfig is teamUUID, and it is required.

Get by ONES API access​

By constructing the fetchONES input parameter according to the following code and parameters for API access, you can obtain the relevant information about the plugin configuration item from the returned value.


Note that you need to convert the return parameters to json format, and then get the information about the configuration item from the json array.

import { fetchONES } from '@ones-op/node-fetch'

export async function configurationPageTest() {
const response = await fetchONES({
path: `/team/${globalThis.onesEnv.teamUUID}`,
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Ones-Plugin-Id': ['built_in_apis'],
'Ones-Check-Point': ['team'],
'Ones-Check-Id': [`${globalThis.onesEnv.teamUUID}`],
'AbilityName': ['ConfigList'],
body: {
instance_id: `${globalThis.onesEnv.instanceId}`,
team_uuid: `${globalThis.onesEnv.teamUUID}`,
organization_uuid: `${globalThis.onesEnv.organizationUUID}`,
const byteBody = response?.body || {}

const stringBody = byteBody.toString()
const JSONBody = JSON.parse(stringBody)

for (let i = 0; i < JSONBody.length; i++) {[i]['arg_key']) //Gets the key value of the configuration item[i]['arg_value']) //Gets the value of the configuration item
return {
body: response?.body.toString(),

2. Add in the new tab​

Execute the npx op add module instruction under the plug-in project directory, and select: settings.

After the execution is completed, a new configuration will be added under the modules attribute of the plugin.yaml configuration file. The configuration is as follows:

- id: settings-1cGv
title: Settings
moduleType: settings
entry: modules/settings-1cGv/index.html

Now you can write your configuration page.


  • Plugin upgrade and modify the original declaration of the plugin configuration did not take effect

    Plugin upgrade does not support the modification of existing plugin configuration declaration, please refer to Upgrade.