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ONES API Intercept

Suitable EnviromentPrivate Deployment
ability deprecation instructions

This ability is obsolete as of October 13, 2023. If relevant requirements require similar capabilities, please submit a new request form to the open platform.




Sometimes we need to change the performance of certain behaviors in the ONES system and add some operations before a certain behavior. The plug-in can pre-intercept all open interfaces in the ONES standard system.


Terms and Conditions​

  1. The difference between the organization-level interface and the team-level interface is that the url of the team-level interface contains /team/:teamUUID.
  2. The same interface can be pre-intercepted by multiple plug-ins at the same time in its level context.
  3. For the same interface in its level context, pre-interception and interface hijacking capabilities cannot be used at the same time.
  4. For the same interface in the context of its level, pre-interception and post-subscription can be used at the same time.
  5. The plug-in can reject this request and determine the error return of the interface, but it cannot perform other operations.
  6. In local debugging, if the plug-in configuration file config/plugin.yaml is modified, you need to run npx op invoke clear and re-run the npx op invoke run command to make the configuration take effect.

Request process​

Configuration file​

Add the following configuration to the apis field in the plugin configuration file:

- type: intercept #Interface type: intercept: pre-interception
methods: #Interface request method
url: /users/me #Hijack interface url
scope: project #project or wiki interface, without this attribute, the default is project
function: jackFunc #The name should be consistent with the function name in the code

Specific code​

This example pre-intercepts the project's personal information acquisition interface. The headers and body in the code are the request header and request body of the original request respectively.

import { Logger } from '@ones-op/node-logger'

export async function jackFunc(
request: PluginRequest<Record<string, any>>,
): Promise<PluginResponse> {
const body = request.body as any
const headers = request.headers as any'[Plugin] hello ======= Request successful')'[Plugin] body ======= Request successful', body)'[Plugin] headers ======= Request successful', headers)
return {
body: {
res: 'hello world',
requestBody: {},
  • Precautions

    The following points need to be noted when using interface request parameters:

    • What is being intercepted is the ONES API, so the url filled in must be consistent with the url used to access the ONES API;
    • Confirm whether the intercepted interface itself is a POST request or a GET request;

Debugging method​

  • Use the curl tool to access, taking the /users/me interface as an example:

    curl --location --request GET 'https://yourhost/users/me' \
    --header 'Ones-User-Id: {user_uuid}' \
    --header 'Ones-Auth-Token: {user_token}' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --data ''
  • Example of code request parameters

    url: https://yourhost/users/me
    method: GET