A couple more notes to round it off.
The ability packages we provide follow the Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 specification.
Until packages reaches a 1.0 release, breaking changes will be released with a new minor version. For example 0.5.1, and 0.5.4 will have the same API, but 0.6.0 will have breaking changes.
🗃️ @ones-op/node-ability
1 item
📄️ @ones-op/node-database
We provide a set of interfaces related to the plugin database, allowing plugin developers to access and operate the plugin database.
📄️ @ones-op/node-fs
We provide a set of related interfaces for file operations, allowing plug-in developers to operate on files in the plug-in file working directory.
📄️ @ones-op/node-third-import
🗃️ @ones-op/node-error
1 item
🗃️ @ones-op/fetch
2 items
🗃️ @ones-op/store
1 item
🗃️ @ones-op/event
1 item
🗃️ @ones-op/bridge
1 item
🗃️ @ones-op/utils
1 item
📄️ @ones-op/editor
We provide a set of plugin front-end library that can help you manipulate editor data.
📄️ @ones-op/node-email
📄️ @ones-op/sdk
We provide a series of utility methods to help you access the ONES system context in your plugins.