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Create an Plugin


You can create a plugin project that can be installed in the ONES system so that you can personalize the ONES system.


Step 1: Create an Plugin

You can use ONES CLI to create a new plugin project

  1. Navigate to the directory where the plugin project was created, or use a new directory as the directory for the plugin project. For example: /dev/test
  2. Run the following command to create a plugin project
cd /dev/test

# -d Option indicates that the default project is used to create a preset configuration
ones create -d

You can get the appID in the app detail page of the ONES Developer Center, please refer to the page Developer console.

Specify plugin type

you can specify the type of the plugin by passing the option --plugin-type

ones create --plugin-type organization

if you don't specify the type of the plugin, the default type is team

Specify plugin policy

you can specify the policy of the plugin by passing the option --policy

ones create --policy standard

if you don't specify the policy of the plugin, the default policy is standard

During initialization, ONES CLI does the following:

  1. Initialize git
  2. Create a project template file
  3. Install plugin to develop scaffolding tool op
  4. Create a global cache file
  5. Install plugin project dependencies

After the initialization of the plugin project, ONES CLI will output the relevant information of the plugin project.

Project has been created
Project path: /dev/test
Project name: test
Project description:
Project sub CLI: @ones/cli-plugin

Step 2: Package Plugin

After the plugin project is created successfully, you can try to package the plugin by running the following command:

npx op packup
# or
npx op packup CustomPluginName

In Windows TTY, If the plugin name customized when packaging the plugin contains Chinese characters, the instructions may not be executed correctly.

Developers can try to package the plugin with the default name and manually rename the file after the packaging is complete.

After the packaging operation is completed, you can see the packaged plugin opk package in the root directory of the current plugin project.

Step 3: Install plugin in the ONES system

In an environment with plugin enabled, you can upload and install this opk package:

  • Team level plugin installation

    【Configuration】-【Plugin management】

  • Organization level plugin installation
    【Organization settings】-【Plugin management】

At this point, you have finished installing the first plugin.