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Update project by project ID



Update project by project ID.


v3.14.117, v3.15.26Added in: v3.14.117, v3.15.26


Path Parameters

    projectID stringrequired

    The project ID

Query Parameters

    teamID stringrequired

    The team ID



Update project request param.

    owner string

    The project owner ID.

    name string

    Possible values: non-empty and <= 128 characters

    The name of project.

    isArchive boolean

    Archived project or not

    status string

    The ID of project status.

    plannedStartDate string

    The date of project planned to start,sample as 2023-05-06

    plannedEndDate string

    The date of project planned to end,sample as 2023-05-06

    customField object

    Project customed project id


Request is successful.




    id string

    The project ID.

    name string

    The name of project.

    owner string

    The project owner ID.

    createTime integer

    The createTime of project

    isArchive boolean

    Archived project or not

    archiveUser string

    The ID of people who archived project

    archiveTime integer

    Time when the project was archived

    status string

    The ID of project status.

    plannedStartDate string

    The date of project planned to start,sample as 2023-05-06

    plannedEndDate string

    The date of project planned to end,sample as 2023-05-06

    customField object

    Project customed project

    result string

    The result of this request.

    errorCode string

    The error code of this request.

    errorMsg string

    Error message for this request.

    errorData object

    Error meta data for this request.
