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Version: 2.0


This resource represents pages. Use it to get, create, update, and delete pages.

refType represents the reference type, which has the following reference types:

  • default: wiki page.
  • collaboration: wiki collaboration page.
  • word: wps word page.
  • excel: wps excel page.
  • ppt: wps ppt page.
  • collaborationPlugin: collaboration plugin page.

subRefType represents the sub reference type. It has a value only when refType is collaborationPlugin, representing the type provided by the plugin, and different plugins are distinguished by subRefType.

refID represents the reference ID. It is empty when refType is default.


Security Scheme Type:


OAuth Flow (authorizationCode):

Token URL: https://your-domain/oauth2/token

Authorization URL: https://your-domain/oauth2/authorize


  • read:wiki:page: Access page information

  • write:wiki:page: Add, edit, and delete page