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🔒 Simple auth

Suitable EnviromentPrivate Deployment
ability deprecation instructions

This ability is obsolete as of April 18, 2024. If relevant requirements require similar capabilities, please submit a new request form to the open platform.




This ability allows each plugin developer to implement their own login verification logic, beyond the original ONES login verification logic, through their own login logic to log in to ONES.

Through this ability, users can request a dedicated API for simple login without an ONES password, and use their own logic to complete the login. We take the default simple login implementation as an example. You only need to provide the user's user_uuid through the dedicated API for requesting simple login through postman, and you can log in successfully without providing an account number and password.


Add this ability through the OP tool, and then implement your own login verification logic in the corresponding method of this ability. The default name of this method is SimpleAuthValidate. Users can modify the method name in config/plugin.yaml, as shown below.

Step 1: Add and use ability through the OP tool​

Use the Command Line to enter the OP command in the plugin root directory to add ability (this directive requires OP tool version 1.0 or above)

npx op add ability

Select and add simple-auth@1.0.0

The OP tool add the following to the plugin

  • The OP tool adds abilitiy field related paragraphs in config/plugin.yaml
app_id: ...
name: simple-auth
- id: C5CWrHte
name: Simple-login
version: 1.0.0
abilityType: SimpleAuth
validateFunc: SimpleAuthValidate

In the abilities field of the config/plugin.yaml file, the value of id can be customized, the value of name can be customized, and the value of function.validateFunc can be replaced with the name of your implementation method. Of course, you can keep it by default.

  • The OP tool adds files to the plugin in backend/src/simple-auth.ts
import type { PluginRequest, PluginResponse } from '@ones-op/node-types'

// Example Function
export async function SimpleAuthValidate(request: PluginRequest): Promise<PluginResponse> {
const { user_uuid } = request?.body as any
if (!user_uuid) {
return {
body: {
code: 400,
reason: 'user_uuid miss',
return {
body: {
code: 200,
data: {
uuid: user_uuid,

Step 2: Implement your own simple login verification logic​

When a user logs in with Simple Auth, ONES calls the SimpleAuthValidate method in the plugin to process the login logic in the method. Plugin developers need to complete their own login verification logic and specify their own login rules in the SimpleAuthValidate method.

Here, the rule we implement is that only user_uuid starting with W is allowed for simple login.

import type { PluginRequest, PluginResponse } from '@ones-op/node-types'

// Example function SimpleAuth
export async function SimpleAuthValidate(request: PluginRequest): Promise<PluginResponse> {
const { user_uuid } = request?.body as any
if (!user_uuid) {
return {
body: {
code: 400,
reason: 'user_uuid miss',
if (!user_uuid.startsWith('W')) {
return {
body: {
code: 401,
reason: 'this user_uuid doesnt have the authority to login in',
return {
body: {
code: 200,
data: {
uuid: user_uuid,

Step 3: Request a simple login API to log in to ONES​

Install and enable plugin,try different user_uuid to verify the results.

The url of the simple login API is {{ ONES IpAddress}}/project/api/project/ability/simple_auth_login, where {{ONES IpAddress}} is your ONES instance address.


Replace the corresponding parameters(required for all places where {{}} parentheses are used)

#  The value of Ones-Plugin-Id is plugin's instance_uuid, which can be obtained by viewing the plugin log.
# Ones-Check-Id is the team_uuid where the request user_uuid is located.
# Ones-Plugin-AbilityId is the ability you declared in plugin.yaml.
curl --location --request POST '{{ ONES IpAddress}}/project/api/project/ability/simple_auth_login' \
--header 'Ones-Check-Point: team' \
--header 'Ones-Plugin-Id: {{instance_uuid}}' \
--header 'Ones-Check-Id: {{team_uuid}}' \
--header 'Ones-Plugin-AbilityId: {{ability_id}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"user_uuid": {{user_uuid}}
  • uuid is LxCJav69,returns the predetermined error value, and the result is as follows
  • uuid is WArQASip,successfully make a simple login and get the returned token.
